Friday, September 27, 2019

Oh this is WORK WORK

It all began when I started my new job at The Cheesecake Factory.  I had worked as a busser before but not for a company as big as The Cheesecake Factory.  Drake never rapped about fighting in a Pho Noodle House (I worked at a pho place before this time).  Anyway, when I started I was still pretty new to work.  I didn't know the small little things of a job like kissing up to your manager.  I wasn't aware to treat every word they say to you like its the best thing you have ever heard.  Whether you admit it or not, you should always kiss up to your manager.  

Now working at a somewhat high-end restaurant there are certain ways you should conduct yourself.  I will start by how your face should look at all times.  I guess you have keep smiling and look like your at Disneyland when your seven hours into your closing shift and you haven't taken any breaks because when your in the restaurant business, breaks mean less workers to help out(Yes, I know thats illegal).  I quickly was sat down by my manager and was asked if I enjoyed working there.  He was concerned because I wasn't looking as happy as a little kid being told they're going to Disneyland.  I thought my face was how it should have looked, in pain because I've been running around for hours.  Now I couldn't complain to him so I just sucked it up and said, "I apologize. I will do my best to ensure we do not have this conversation again." I began to embrace a different persona than my own.  When I clocked in, it was "showtime".  I began to act like every shift I worked was the best time of my life.  I didn't know how well I was doing it, but he never told me again about my face. 

This was a good time where I faked it until I made it.  I changed my facial expression and my language.  Not my actual grammar, but the way I said things were more Mickey Mouse happy sounding. James Gee talks about how when you communicate its not what you say, its how you say it.  This is one of the strategies I used. 

In this class, I have faked it a little bit as well.  When writing our blogs, we were told to try our best to construct an identity we want our readers to see.  At first I was like, "How do I do that?"  So I just started to write how I would talk to my friends.  I forgot about all the rules to writing and I just became myself.  I didn't know if I was doing it right, but when I saw I didn't get a zero on the first assignment I knew I did it. Roz Ivanic said, "Writing is not just about conveying content but also about the representation of self."  I feel that this blog is an extension of me and I enjoy doing these blogs. 

Overall, I have done many things where I wasn't comfortable at the beginning, but The Cheesecake Factory stands out to me the most.  Probably because it taught me so many real world lessons.  The most important thing I learned was everywhere you go, there will always be that one person you can't stand.  Mine was one of my managers, but you know I kissed up to her and I stayed off her radar.  Sometimes in life you have to kiss up.  After a long day of being fake happy and using a different voice all shift long, I would finally this,

If you work in the restaurant industry let me leave you with one word of motivation...............quit. 

Image result for devil in bathtub meme

Image result for me after using my customer service voice all day

James Paul Gee

 Roz Ivanic

Monday, September 9, 2019

Major Key Alert

So you wanna learn the keys to success to college? Well you have come to the wrong place because I don't know what I'm doing either, but I hope I can shed some light on the very few things I have mastered while in college.

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Key #1

Try your best not to be broke.  I can't stress this enough.  College is not the place for you if you are not making six figures right out of high school.  College is a very expensive place to attend.  Everywhere you go, there are bills waiting to attack you.  Tuition, parking permits, Panda Express, the Bookstore are all doing their best to take your money.  The worst culprit of them all are access codes.  So you're telling me in order to do homework and receive credit for my work I have to purchase a $100 access code?  It cost $100 to do homework that your professor spent no time teaching you?? You don't understand the homework?  Well it looks like you better buy Chegg. Everyday you wake up and check your bank account and see that college took more money out of your account.  College is always putting in the work even when your sleeping!  So if your attending college and you are not a millionaire, you are not alone.  We are all struggling out here.  Be wise with your money and save what you can.
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Key #2
Stay above the class average.  This should be an obvious key to success, but let me break it down for you still.  Yes, you might not be the student who never studies and still complains about only getting a 93% on the midterm while the class average was a 51%.  You don't have to be the best, just don't be the worst.  Imagine you and four of your friends are walking at night and a mysterious clown appears behind you guys and start running at you.  It's okay if you're not the fastest, but you better be faster than the slowest.  You don't have to out run the clown.  You only have to out run three of your friends.  So in college if you are above the class average, then you are in good standing because remember......C's get degrees!!
Key #3
This next key does not apply to everyone, but it sure did help me out.  Key #3 is find a smart girl and make her your girlfriend.  I met my girlfriend Gardenia freshman year in our Calculus 1 class.  She is the reason I made it through calculus.  I thought I was good at math until I was thrown into college calculus.  After my first exam I sat myself down and reflected if I wanted to go through all this pain to become an engineer.  After much thought I decided to stick it out and just try harder.  Thankfully I met Gardenia and I began to learn how to properly study.  I was reviewing my notes everyday and going back through all the homework before a test.  Glad to say I made it out of calculus and I am still an engineering student.  Having a really smart group of friends helps a lot too!! Get out there and be social.  Get to know your fellow peers and help each other.  Birds of a feather flock together!!
Smart Use Your Brain GIF - Smart UseYourBrain GIFs
Overall, college is a fun and exciting time.  I enjoy school and I am thankful for the opportunity to attend college and not have any major financial trouble.  Make the most out of your time now because when you graduate you'll be working 9-5 everyday and only have two weeks of vacation a year.  I wish you all success in everything you do and I hope you learned something here today.  If you didn't learn anything about college, I hope you learned something about me.  If I had to sum college up in one meme it would be this one. 
A Little Motivation GIF - YouCanDoIt Cheat Cheating GIFs

Friday, September 6, 2019

Where I'm From

Where I’m From
Lyrically dangerous and metaphorically ill
If you say the wrong thing around here it will probably get you killed
We on that ghetto grind, bullets flying by your head as you’re trying to hide
When the bullets stop spraying that’s when the sirens start blaring
Just kidding, this is not where I’m from, this is not how I begun
I am from a good neighborhood where only the police had guns
Coming home from school I’d jump off the bus
Run up the hill with my sister to my house to see what my Grandma cooked for us
After a good meal, I sit down and watch my show with my favorite fry cook
AH HA HA if you know then you know
The weather is sunny but not too hot if you let the breeze in
Everything is dry because it hasn’t rained in three seasons
 Our sports teams will just make you sad, because the GM’s can be scandalous
I'm not mad, I just hope our football team does better in Los Angeles
I am from sunsets so beautiful it can make a grown man cry
Make you cry harder than when your favorite character dies
But overall, my city has made me a different an alter ego
Spoiling me with all the good things, everything is fuego
These are all the reasons why I love beautiful San Diego
I am from a house with both parents and two sisters, how lovely
I am from a house that loves German Shepherd puppies
I am from a culture that loves to eat, what a treat, someone is always cooking up some meat
This is what made me
This is why I am me
When people ask where I am from
I tell them proudly

Analysis of My Poem
To begin my poem I started with a false picture of where I grew up.  I did this, mostly as a joke, to poke fun at people who act like they are from the hood. In todays society, young people like to have this false idea of how they were raised and what they went through.  I hear many people talk about struggles they never lived through. People change their vocabulary to try to fit into this "hood'' illusion.  After I was done making a joke, I began to describe what my childhood was like through my favorite memory.  Everyday after school my Grandma would have my favorites food cooked.  I would immediately sit down and eat.  After I was done eating, I went straight to the tv to watch my shows.  These were much simpler times and I will always cherish them.  I began to slowly describe my city because I wanted the audience to try to guess where I am from.  I gave bigger hints as I went like saying our football team recently moved to Los Angeles.  Finally, I revealed where I am from and started to describe things that made me who I am.  My culture, my family, and my city helped shape me into who I am today.  San Diego will always be my home. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

My first dog, my best friend

At 17 years old my parents finally felt I was old enough to handle the work load of having a dog.  To say I'm a dog lover is an understatement, I adore dogs.  My favorite kind of breed is a German Shepherd and after a month of looking I found my forever friend.  A three month all black with brown paws puppy was soon running, pooping, and peeing all over the house.  I would be awaken at 4:00 A.M. by a waterfall of pee hitting my carpet, but he was still the cutest thing I have ever seen.  

The family and I decided on the name Koa which in Hawaiian means "fearless warrior".  We felt this fit him because he was known to try to jump out of his 5ft tall cage at the puppy store.  Soon Koa was a full grown, well trained dog.  He could sit, stay, lay down, and balance treats on his long nose and much more. He loved car rides so much a kidnapper just had to open a car door and Koa wouldn't think twice.  Koa was the best dog in the world, but on October 7, 2018 we would celebrate his fourth and final birthday. 
In March 2019, Koa was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma.  A common cancer in dogs that comes in three stages (stage three being the worst).  As I waited for the results of what stage cancer he had, I was confident he would be just fine because who gets his first dog and has to say goodbye four years later?  I found out that I would have to do just that.  He had stage 3 cancer located right on top of his spine/neck area.  Koa was given a week to live.  My whole life flipped upside down.  I had a week to say goodbye to my little puppy.  My mom had heard about a special medicine that could give him his life back or give him three more months so we decided to go through with the medicine.  Three months later on June 27, 2019 Koa Paulino Naputi would be put to rest.  

This is my first encounter with a close family member death and it is crazy to think how fast someone can be gone forever.  The concept of "gone forever" was very hard in the beginning because Koa had to be put down while I was 3,000 miles away in the Bahamas.  He was in good health when we left, but his health quickly began to decline.  For the first time in four years my family came home to an empty house. Dogs are only in our lives for a short time, but to them we are their whole lives.  Koa may have only physically been apart of my life for four years, but he will stay in my heart for a lifetime.  I love you Koa.  You are the goodest boy ever (excuse my grammar).