Monday, September 9, 2019

Major Key Alert

So you wanna learn the keys to success to college? Well you have come to the wrong place because I don't know what I'm doing either, but I hope I can shed some light on the very few things I have mastered while in college.

Semester University GIF - Semester University Study GIFs
Key #1

Try your best not to be broke.  I can't stress this enough.  College is not the place for you if you are not making six figures right out of high school.  College is a very expensive place to attend.  Everywhere you go, there are bills waiting to attack you.  Tuition, parking permits, Panda Express, the Bookstore are all doing their best to take your money.  The worst culprit of them all are access codes.  So you're telling me in order to do homework and receive credit for my work I have to purchase a $100 access code?  It cost $100 to do homework that your professor spent no time teaching you?? You don't understand the homework?  Well it looks like you better buy Chegg. Everyday you wake up and check your bank account and see that college took more money out of your account.  College is always putting in the work even when your sleeping!  So if your attending college and you are not a millionaire, you are not alone.  We are all struggling out here.  Be wise with your money and save what you can.
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle The Rock Running Away Scared GIF - JumanjiWelcomeToTheJungle TheRockRunningAwayScared KevinHart GIFs

Key #2
Stay above the class average.  This should be an obvious key to success, but let me break it down for you still.  Yes, you might not be the student who never studies and still complains about only getting a 93% on the midterm while the class average was a 51%.  You don't have to be the best, just don't be the worst.  Imagine you and four of your friends are walking at night and a mysterious clown appears behind you guys and start running at you.  It's okay if you're not the fastest, but you better be faster than the slowest.  You don't have to out run the clown.  You only have to out run three of your friends.  So in college if you are above the class average, then you are in good standing because remember......C's get degrees!!
Key #3
This next key does not apply to everyone, but it sure did help me out.  Key #3 is find a smart girl and make her your girlfriend.  I met my girlfriend Gardenia freshman year in our Calculus 1 class.  She is the reason I made it through calculus.  I thought I was good at math until I was thrown into college calculus.  After my first exam I sat myself down and reflected if I wanted to go through all this pain to become an engineer.  After much thought I decided to stick it out and just try harder.  Thankfully I met Gardenia and I began to learn how to properly study.  I was reviewing my notes everyday and going back through all the homework before a test.  Glad to say I made it out of calculus and I am still an engineering student.  Having a really smart group of friends helps a lot too!! Get out there and be social.  Get to know your fellow peers and help each other.  Birds of a feather flock together!!
Smart Use Your Brain GIF - Smart UseYourBrain GIFs
Overall, college is a fun and exciting time.  I enjoy school and I am thankful for the opportunity to attend college and not have any major financial trouble.  Make the most out of your time now because when you graduate you'll be working 9-5 everyday and only have two weeks of vacation a year.  I wish you all success in everything you do and I hope you learned something here today.  If you didn't learn anything about college, I hope you learned something about me.  If I had to sum college up in one meme it would be this one. 
A Little Motivation GIF - YouCanDoIt Cheat Cheating GIFs


  1. I completely agree with everything you wrote, truly. I too have an incredibly smart and talented girlfriend and she was the person who thought me how to push further, slowly but surely I would get to meet my goals. Also I very much agree with your thoughts on staying above the average, specially with the more difficult classes, if you stay right above the average you are guaranteed to pass.

  2. I agree with most of your keys, however I slightly disagree with your key 2. I think that instead of aiming for staying above average, you should aim for the best you can do and get what you as a person thinks you deserve.

    1. If average is their best than that's all they should aim for. "If you judge a fish on its ability to climb, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

    2. Thank you for proving my point! A fish aiming to climb means he is not aiming for his personal best but someone else's best. A fish should aim to swim his best not better than a shrimp.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me just begin by saying I really enjoyed the creativity in the post, once I opened your blog I was immediately interested to read it. The use of gifs really enhances the whole feel of the blog post. Right off the bat I related to it. Your first point is something that resinates with me a lot, and I'm sure with everyone else as well. My biggest struggle right now is money, it is so hard to save when like you said, everything in college costs a ridiculous amount of money. I really wish it did not have to be like this. The access codes and textbook prices are crazy, and I believe there are many ways to learn (probably even better) without having to buy those things. Since there is no way around it, I have tried to cut down on things like eating out and shopping, which sucks because those are my two favorite things to do. Also, I find your key #3 to be funny. I agree though, surrounding yourself with smart people and finding friends in classes is key to passing classes. I know I've been in a number of classes where if I did not have my study group of friends I made, I would not have passed. Again, awesome post I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future!
    - Ella Ordonez

  4. I really enjoyed your humor in this post. Especially in key 2 where you say "You don't have to out run the clown. You only have to out run three of your friends" with the gif, that really got me laughing. I completely agree, C's get degrees but we should always try our best.

  5. I really liked this. It was funny--you made fun of all the standards of college.
    Btw, is Gardenia in this class your girlfriend? (Just curious, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.)

  6. No comment..................but yes. (That is one of my favorite movie quotes from The Other guys)

  7. Hi Enrique,

    Really enjoyed your comedic but also very informative write up. I 100% agree with all your points, but want to talk about your second key because it made me crack up. Engineering classes are tough and it really is like that. Got to outrun your friends and then you know you are safe. I like how you added GIFs and memes to really make the ready comfortable with your writing and tell hard facts that come with school.
    -Kevin Ayala

  8. Hello!
    I really liked reading this. It was funny and actually really informative.
    It's so true that everything in college is MONEY and "broke college kid" is actually so true. But I guess it's an investment for our future... !!!
    I also really enjoyed your use of gifs, especially the last one!!

  9. I truly agree with you in every aspect. Especially about getting a smart girlfriend who taught me that showing up only on the days that exams are placed is probably not a good idea if I wanted to get an A.
