Friday, November 15, 2019

Call me Bruce Wayne

Back again with another blog and you are in for a good time.  So I'm not sure if we have to write about a job we have currently, but I am going to write about my experiences working as a busser at The Cheesecake Factory.  If you have read my blogs before you will know that I LOVE writing about this place because of how much stuff I went through here.  I can relate life to The Cheesecake Factory better than any other topic on the planet.  I want to write about how I would become a different person when I clocked in for my shift.  Like Bruce Wayne, I would become a different person when the sun went down (I worked mostly closing shifts).  The genre I would use at work would be different when I was at school.

Image result for the cheesecake factory otay ranch
Image result for batman

After I'm done tucking in my shirt, tying my apron around my waist, and putting on my beautiful all black non-slip shoes, I clock in a walk out to a dim lighted restaurant.  As I walk around with a tray in my hand, my eyes are still trying to adjust to the all most pitch black restaurant (if you have ever been to a Cheesecake Factory at night you will understand how hard it is to see).  Out of the corner of my eye, I see it.  I see a dirty table.  I quickly jump into action to clean the dirty table and set it with new silverware for the next guest.  I do this for the next 8-9 hours until it is 2 A.M.  At this point, I have basically blacked out from exhaustion and I do not know how I am still walking.  Bellion, where are you going with this??? Well first let me say my genre while I worked was being a good worker.  To be a good busser I had To never say "no" no matter what the request was.  When I say I would smile for 9 hours straight, you better believe it because that what you gotta do in The Amazing Cheesecake Factory. I had to be able to remember each task I was asked to do. Now I had to learn this discourse throughout my time working there, but I slowly mastered it. It was challenging because when I would work I was literally in pain.  My feet were pounding, my legs were tight, and my shirt that was a size too small was drenched in sweat but I had to still put on that smile.  I had to keep my customer service voice sounding friendlier than a Disneyland worker. This is how I would be during my shift because there is a certain energy you need to have when constantly dealing with customers.  The only thing worse than customers though was a over powered minimum waged manager, but we won't get into that today.
Image result for and i oop meme
The main identity I want to have when people read my blogs is that I am funny (hopefully).  You can tell by the way I write and the things I write about.  I try to not be conventional and stick to the norm when it comes to writing assignments.  I try to be as real as I can on here because the only thing worse than writing a blog is reading a boring one.  I hope readers enjoy what I have to say and can laugh at my life experiences.


  1. Yo, whats good. I have never actually seen you and batman in the same room, so maybe I am batman? The identities you present are exactly what I would assume in your workplace. I have heard you cheesecake stories but never really got a in depth look on how it impacted you. Now you doing better things!

    -Kevin Ayala

  2. Wassup Bellion! Thanks for sharing your blog post with us. Thought it was entertaining and fun to read. I haven't worked at a Cheesecake Factory before but from the way you described it sounds like a lot of work. Having to bus tables for 9 hours sounds grueling and terrible. That's amazing that you're able to work for that long without a break. I'm sure being able to go through that and handle that work load definitely helped you develop yourself. Thank you for sharing your blog post and hope to read more further down the semester.

  3. Wow Bruce Wayne, I really enjoyed your bog on different genres you have experienced while working at The Cheesecake Factory. I relate to this a lot because when I clock in at my job I feel like a totally different person as well. Staying in your customer service voice for that long is a really difficult genre, that is super impressive you were able to do it without a break. I am able to tell more about your personality though your writing and it is entertaining to read. The use of pictures made me laugh out loud actually, the hyperlink is informational and helpful. I enjoyed your blog! -Kelly Buergel

  4. Hi Bruce Wayne!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. And yes, I can definitely sense your sense of humor through your blog posts which is why I enjoy reading your posts! I've never worked at Cheesecake Factory before or even been a server, but it sounds like a lot of work. Props to you for working that long with no break and keeping a smile on your face. Thanks for sharing!
    - Julie Huynh

  5. Hi Bruce Wayne!
    I enjoyed reading your blog, I really liked how you explained every step and the routine you had when you would go into work. I can relate to this because at my work, I have my routine as well when I first show up to work.

  6. Hi Bruce Wayne!
    I LOVE your blogs! Thank you for blessing me with such an amazing read. I like how you compare yourself to Bruce Wayne. I feel like we can all relate to this. Going to work is exactly like putting on a different persona. I'm sorry they made you work so long without taking breaks.

    P.S. Can I be your Robin?

  7. Hi Bruce Wayne. You definitely do have one of the most enticing blogs on here that's for sure aha! I laughed when you mentioned adjusting your eyesight to the dim light in there. I always have a hard enough time seeing in dark places when I have my contacts in, so I always fear of trying to read a menu in a Cheesecake Factory without my glasses. I can relate to the discourse you take on when you clock in. There's tons of different roles we play every we go.
    - Samantha Kaczmarczyk

  8. I learn a lot about restaurant work by reading my students' blogs. I'll never think of the Cheesecake FActory the same again.

    Btw, your blogs definitely portray you as a little unconventional with a good sense of humor.
